I help men around the world find the confidence & clarity to fix their struggling marriage or be able to move forward without regret.

I help men who are struggling in their marriages & relationships

Being on this page shows you’re brave enough to seek answers and want to do something about your relationship. But the truth is that if you knew how to fix the problems in your marriage… you would have done so by now.

I have helped countless men around the world who are struggling or feeling lonely or disconnected in their relationships get the confidence and clarity to either fix their marriages or move forward with respect and without regret.

This video is a great place to start and help you know what to expect.

About me

I’m Shannon Cyr | THE Relationship Coach for Men.

My background includes a Masters in Psychology from Pepperdine University and being trained personally by one of the world’s leading relationship coaches & counselors, Sharon Pope.

I also have been in a marriage and understand the struggles first hand. My training, years of professional experience, and personal experience allow me to bring a direct, objective view that can help you.

I know what it takes to have a good relationship… and I know about how one can break down. I’m a head over heels mother to two rescue dogs, including an enormous pitbull named Moose… so there isn’t much you’re dealing with that can scare me.

What I do

I coach successful men around the world who are in a struggling mariage or relationship. The bulk of my work is done through 1:1 coaching via zoom calls.

My clients come from a variety of backgrounds and professions but are primarily middle aged men who are giving serious consideration to improving, repairing OR ending their relationship.

Some have made mistakes or been hurtful or distant while others are on the receiving end or poor treatment, rejection, or betrayal.… the fault doesn’t matter. What happens next matters.


What to expect

This is not marriage or relationship REPAIR. Sometimes the best answer is to end the relationship. I help clients objectively evaluate their unique situation and offer guidance, perspective, and accountability to arrive at a decision and solution that is right for them.


How it works

I work 1:1 with clients via Zoom. My coaching programs are two months in length and include weekly 1:1 Zoom calls. We go over your specific situation and follow a proven framework to help you gain clarity and confidence and evaluate your situation. You will have homework and be given tools to help you discover answers and awareness.

Please understand, working 1:1 and being coached by me IS NOT CHEAP. The coaching program is a sizable investment costing several thousand dollars.

I offer plenty of free content on this site via my blogs and videos that can help… but everyone’s situation, timing, and urgency are unique. If you are at a point where you are ready to take action, and invest time, effort and finances to work on your relationship, then 1:1 coaching may be right for you.

If so, lets set up a free discovery call to see if it makes sense to work together. Details are below.

Book a discovery call to see if coaching is right for you.

If you are serious about exploring the next step to repairing your relationship OR moving on…. let’s' talk about the program and working together.


Each week I produce videos that address various issues or situations many of my clients face. Below are a few of the most common topics.

To see all videos visit and subscribe to my YouTube channel

I can help you decide whether to “Stay or Go”

  • Are you in an unsatisfying marriage that is falling apart.

  • Are you hurt by your spouse’s rejection, betrayal, or lack of interest?

  • Do you feel like you’ve drifted apart?

  • Do you keep busy as a distraction?

  • Do you wonder if there is anything worth saving in your marriage, or if change is possible?

Knowing what direction to take can be crippling. I can help you weigh of the challenges of whether to “STAY OR GO”

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