We Do What We Want To Do

-Have you been trying to reconnect with your wife but it doesn’t seem to be working?

-Have you been believing your partners reasons or excuses for why things are not changing? Why they aren’t doing what they said they would do?

-Have you been hoping for change in your relationship but aren’t seeing it? Here’s the thing- all of us do what we want to do.

 Maybe they keep blaming you-

Maybe you try to plan dates, a trip, or activities you can do together and it just seems to not work out. She can’t get time off from work, she shows up but doesn’t seem to have any fun, she cancels at the last minute, she repeatedly shows up late, she makes plan with someone else.

We can come up with all kinds of reasons why these things keep happening, and we make all of those excuses sound believable, and sometimes they may be the truth, but ultimately, in life, do what we want to do. We get to choose. AND we get to live with results of our choices.

If it’s important to us, we figure it out. If we want it to be a priority, we will make it one.

What kind of excuses have you been making?

 Think about it. If we really want to do something, we do it. It doesn’t matter it its inconvenient, or somebody else doesn’t like it, or we think we can’t afford it, or we shouldn’t.

 If it really matters to us, or we really want it,  we do it. We find a way. We make it happen.

 The same goes for your relationship.

At the end of the day, if you really want to work on your relationship and make it better- you will. Same goes for your partner.

 You don’t have to know how, you just have to want to.

We make up a lot of reasons for our behaviors, for why things can’t get better in our marriage, why we haven’t done what we said we would do, why they haven’t done what we asked, why they haven’t been able to take the time for our relationship.

If we really want to make our struggling relationship a priority, we will. If we want things to get better we will take steps to get help for what we don’t know how to do. So will your partner.

This may sound harsh, but we do what we want to do.

Stop making excuses. For yourself and for your partner.


Shannon Cyr | The Relationship Coach for Men


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